Tripura2's Left Front government Saturday opposed the proposed communal violence bill, terming it an "infringement" on the rights of the states."The proposed bill would be an infringement on the rights of the states and is bound to seriously impair the federal spirit enshrined in the constitution of India. Therefore, the same should not be pursued," Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said at the 15th National Integration Council (NIC) meeting here."The existing legal framework is adequate to deal with all kinds of law and order situations including the communal disturbances," he said.
The bill, drafted by the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council, seeks to protect" groups" from communal violence and harm, describing "religious and linguistic minority, in any state in the Union of India, or Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes" as victims.
Sarkar, also a member of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) politburo, said that the fundamentalist organizations should be firmly dealt with and should not be allowed to create any communal disturbances in the country.
"An appropriate development strategy can play a crucial role in promoting national integration, “he said adding that all the national and regional political parties should launch an all out ideological and political campaign to promote national unity and integration. (IANS)
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